Win a FREE iPad Mini at the Golf Show

The Portland Golf Show is the premier annual golf event in Oregon. With over 100 exhibitors and tons of prizes and special offers, it’s no wonder why people line up hours before the doors open. With the Portland Golf Show celebrating 20 years and Foursom Golf Cars celebrating 25 years it was time to do something big! Foursom will be conducting an exclusive drawing at their booth for all attendees over 18 years of age. Foursom will be choosing a winner on Monday February 25th at 5pm after the event. The entry process will be a new innovative digital experience. Attendees will need their smartphone or borrow one of our staff members phones and scan a QR code. This scan will bring up the exclusive entry form. Simply fill out the form with all your info and you’ll be entered to win a free iPad Mini 16GB Wifi. We hope to see you all there and best of luck to all the participants. Check out some of the photos from last year.
Click here to purchase tickets and to get more info on the 2013 Portland Golf Show.