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Wet Sounds Stealth

Time to Add Some Tunes to Your Ride!

Ever wanted to listen to that new album from your favorite artist while playing 18? What about listening to a podcast while driving your golf car? Have a tournament during the big game and want to stream the play-by-play? You can do it with an amplified Bluetooth Speaker from Wet Sounds installed in your golf car!

Foursom Golf Cars are the source for the perfect Wet Sounds speaker bar for your golf car. We carry them in the 6-speaker and 10-speaker versions for 2-passenger and 4-passenger vehicles, respectively. If you really want to get that deep bass, add on the Wet Sounds subwoofer!

Wet Sounds Stealth

The STEALTH-6 ULTRA HD Soundbar is a 6 speaker-200 watt unit with 4 full range 3-inch drivers and two 1-inch titanium tweeters. Now with an ALL-NEW RF Wireless Remote with steering wheel cradle, allowing control over Volume, Track, Play/Pause.

Wet Sounds Stealth

The STEALTH-10 ULTRA HD Soundbar is a 10 speaker-300 watt unit with eight full-range 3-inch drivers and two 1-inch titanium tweeters. Now with an ALL-NEW RF Wireless Remote with steering wheel cradle, allowing control over Volume, Track, Play/Pause.

Wet Sounds Subwoofer

The Wet Sounds Stealth series are powered subwoofer enclosures providing the ultimate all-in-one solution for bass in your ride! The tough and durable molded Polyethylene housings are designed to handle any harsh environment while providing superior low-end output. The built-in Class D amp is sealed against moisture and dirt for extra protection and power.

The Wet Sounds Stealth series speakers are a great addition to your new Club Car Onward 2- or 4-passenger golf car. Message us for more details!