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how to find your carts serial number

The serial number on your Club Car can help you determine the model year and model number. The serial number of each vehicle is printed on a bar code decal (or stamped in an aluminum plate for older models) mounted either below the passenger side cup holder or above the accelerator or brake pedal.

  • The letters or letters at the beginning of the serial number indicate the vehicle model and can be one or two letters. For example, “A” indicates a Club Car DS electric. “AG” is a Club Car DS gas.
  • The following four digits indicate the model year and production week during which the vehicle was built. For example, “1242” would indicate a 2012 model year produced during the 42nd week of production.
  • The six digits following the hyphen represent the unique sequential number assigned to each vehicle built within a given model year.

So, for example, a serial number of “A9434-100226” would mean a 1994 Club Car DS electric, built in the 34th week of production, with a sequential number of 100226.

Getting your serial number is the first thing our service and parts department will ask for to assist you over the phone or email. With all the different models, powertrains, engines and battery voltages used in Club Car vehicles, correctly identifying your particular year and model is critical to providing good information and service.