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Golf Cars Entry Level Technician

Foursom Golf Cars, a golf car sales & service shop in Woodburn, OR, needs an entry level service technician to join our team.

The position is with the Service Department as a Service Tech performing maintenance and repair of golf cars and utility vehicles with primarily DC electric motors and some 4-stroke gasoline engines. Job duties include (but not limited to) performing preventative maintenance to golf cars, installing new batteries, and maintaining rental fleet.

Applicants must be able to manuever 100 lbs. and have their own tools. On-the-job training is available for the right individual. Previous mechanical education, training and/or experience required.

Shop is a team-oriented, fast paced and fun environment. Applicants must be able to multi-task, work as a team and independently. This is a full-time position.

Interested applicants please respond by using the form on this page with your resume and contact information. Qualified applicants will be called for an interview at a later date.