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Golf car

One of the more fun customizations we get to do is lifting golf cars. Why would you lift a golf car? The customer that purchased this used 2015 Club Car Precedent shoots sporting clays as his hobby. He uses his golf car to go from station to station, carrying his gun, shells and buddies. These aren’t paved paths so the extra ground clearance is needed to navigate the off-road terrain. Plus, doesn’t it look cool?

Foursom Golf Cars can install a Club Car factory 4 inch lift kit on any Precedent or Onward golf car. Combine the 4 inch lift with 14 inch wheels and 23 inch tires and you have a capable off-road machine. You can further customize the vehicle by adding a cargo box or rear seat kit. Additional accessories are available like fender flares, brush guards, trailer hitches, gun mounts, clays basket, Bluetooth stereos, enclosures, and much more.

By using the OEM Club Car lift kit, you get a kit that is: 1. Tested by Club Car for durability. 2. Features improved hardware and components, A-arms, and control arm mounts. 3. Has a wider track width and longer wheelbase than competitive models. 4. Accommodates tires up to 23 inches. 5. Offers superior handling compared to the market-leading six-inch lift kit, when evaluated using SAE test methods.

The car pictured has the OEM Club Car 23 inch Kenda Kraken off-road tires mounted on 14 inch Mercury wheels. By using the OEM Club Car wheels and tires, you get: 1. Kenda tires that are made with premium compounds to improve durability and tread life. 2. OEM tires meet or exceed Club Car standards for stability and reliability while delivering a comfortable ride. 3. Club Car tires are ozone tested and resistant to weather rot.

Whatever your needs might be, Foursom Golf Cars can help. Whether its for sporting clays, doing yard work, or playing golf – get around in style with a Club Car lift kit and wheel/tire package.