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Foursom Golf Cars is very excited about the next evolution of the Onward electric PTV by Club Car. The Onward HP Li-Ion PTV is set to debut on May 1, 2019. The Onward HP Li-Ion is more than a “drop-in” solution. It is a redesigned car with a state-of-the-art electrical system and powertrain featuring maintenance-free lithium-ion batteries developed by LG CHEM for use in the automotive industry. Lithium ion is the standard for high-performance battery packs used in today’s cell phones, cordless drills and all-electric automobiles like Tesla, Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf.

The Onward HP Li-Ion is truly a high-performance vehicle. Featuring a 375 amp controller, a 4.7 horsepower motor and up to an 8-year limited warranty – this golf car can tackle any challenge. The Onward HP Li-Ion’s unique smart charging capabilities include charging rates that are two to three times faster than lead acid-powered golf cars. There is no watering of the batteries required which reduces the amount of time spent on maintenance.

The Onward HP Li-Ion is available in eight exciting metallic colors: Metallic beige, metallic candy-apple red, metallic glacier white, metallic jade green, metallic ocean teal, metallic pearl blue, metallic platinum and metallic tuxedo black. Premium seats are available in six color combinations: All black, black & gray, Camello, all gray, light beige and off-white. You have a choice of three standard 10” aluminum wheels with low-profile tires. Three standard canopy top colors (black, beige or white) allow you to customize your Onward HP li-Ion to your tastes.

Foursom Golf Cars offer a variety of accessories tested and proven to work in the Pacific Northwest. Add golfer amenities like ball & club washers, coolers or sand & seed bottles. Add storage accessories like interior storage baskets or overhead storage systems. Play your favorite music through an integrated Bluetooth stereo system. Make your Onward year-round comfortable by installing a full Door Works hinged-door enclosure and Club Pro Cabana club cover.

Be the first in the neighborhood or golf club with the all-new Onward HP Li-Ion. Contact us today!